About Zarathustra
Internationally known founder of 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing and Awareness, Zarathustra is a spiritual teacher and master healer who has dedicated his life to elevating human consciousness. After 30 years of studying with Eastern and Western masters from across the globe, Zarathustra started receiving a series of downloads from beings identifying themselves as his “5th Dimensional Guides” giving him innate abilities to perform psychic surgery, “x-ray vision”, and turned his right hand into a high frequency transmitter. Zarathustra now travels the world offering workshops with transformative spiritual understandings, 3rd eye activations and shamanic healing to deeply alchemize your consciousness, heal your mental, emotional and physical body… and ultimately bring you back to that place of silence and stillness within your being where the “real you” exists. By divine guidance, Zarathustra emerges to lead our consciousness to the 5th Dimension.
What is the 5th Dimension?
The 5th Dimension is an infinite unified field of love without the illusion of duality. It is a Consciousness of oneness with your spirit and all things. It is virtually impossible to explain 5th Dimension in any language because anything we think, write or speak happens in the 3rd Dimension. The 5th Dimension cannot even be imagined. However since our souls are multi-dimensional, we all reside in 5th Dimension as well as 3rd Dimension. The 5th Dimension can only be experienced.
What is 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing?
5th Dimensional Quantum Healing is a shamanic practice performed by a healer who has access to the subatomic field of energy. From this realm, an extraordinary intelligence becomes available which can lead to seemingly miraculous outcomes. A 5th dimensional quantum healer is able to reconnect people with Source Energy by removing obstacles and opening channels that are not normally available in the 3rd dimensional field. Physical ailments can improve because at the Quantum Level, subatomic particles break down inflammation, move bones and accelerate the healing process. Emotional issues can be addressed because the very energy that created them can be transformed in the 5th dimensional realm.
The cells in your body vibrate at a certain frequency, so when this exchange of information occurs, healing can happen very quickly because the cells will remember their original DNA memory. It first happens at the spiritual level, and then permeates the emotional level and finally the physical body, releasing the root cause of dis-ease. As your vibration increases, your consciousness will shift. This is how awakening happens and you are able to remember that you are a multi-sensory, multi-dimensional being, capable of healing yourself when reconnected to your Source.