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What is the 5th Dimension?

The 5th Dimension is a unified field of love and oneness. It is a field of awareness which transcends the dualities present in the third dimensional realm of consciousness in which we typically orient. It is a field of divine love and pure silence, awareness without thought, where your spirit and the spirit of all things are inseparable. Since the 5th Dimension exists beyond the limitations of thought, it is impossible to imagine through the limitations of a mind operating in third dimensional consciousness. However, since our souls are inherently multi-dimensional, we can learn to access this state of awareness using the power of silence. 

What is 5D Quantum Awareness?

5D Quantum Awareness is the truth of who we are.  It is where we have a direct experience of our timeless and eternal self. In this state of awareness, the mind is absolutely silent, love is present and a greater freedom beyond imagination presents itself. The sense of separation disappears and we remember that we are a part of a unified field of love and oneness.

What is 5D Quantum Healing?

5th Dimensional Quantum Healing is a shamanic practice performed by a healer who has access to the subatomic field of energy. From this realm, an extraordinary intelligence becomes available which can lead to seemingly miraculous outcomes. A 5th dimensional quantum healer is able to reconnect people with Source Energy by removing obstacles and opening channels that are not normally available in the 3rd dimensional field. Physical ailments can improve because at the Quantum Level, subatomic particles break down inflammation, move bones and accelerate the healing process. Emotional issues can be addressed because the very energy that created them can be transformed in the 5th dimensional realm.

The cells in your body vibrate at a certain frequency, so when this exchange of information occurs, healing can happen very quickly because the cells will remember their original DNA memory. It first happens at the spiritual level, and then permeates the emotional level and finally the physical body, releasing the root cause of dis-ease.  As your vibration increases, your consciousness will shift. This is how awakening happens and you are able to remember that you are a multi-sensory, multi-dimensional being, capable of healing yourself when reconnected to your Source.

What is a 5D Quantum Healer?

A 5th Dimensional Quantum Healer is a person who has become a major channel (a conduit) of healing energy.  Healing is a natural phenomenon that takes place on its own accord. A 5th Dimensional Quantum Healer is a person who has found access to a subatomic field of energy that is already here and has become a major conduit of holding this energy field for others. You must remember that nobody heals anybody the body heals itself. 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing is for everyone — it is tangible, accessible and it is easily reached by simply raising your vibration to a higher frequency…you can actually feel it within the first few moments! 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing is a powerful hands-on healing that includes psychic surgery, shamanic healing, sound vibration and x-ray vision that activates our abilities to become a powerful healing channel.

How does 5D Quantum Healing Work?

In this high speed modality of healing, you will learn how to raise your vibration to a higher frequency in a matter of seconds. This enables you to become a much more effective healer equipped with advanced healing techniques far beyond your current capabilities. As a healer, when you are capable of raising your vibration to a higher frequency and remain there, anyone who is available to you is automatically being influenced and raises their vibration to a higher frequency as well. When vibrating in a higher frequency, a lot of information gets exchanged between the healer and the recipient. The recipient begins to change in their cellular memory in a matter of moments and new information will replace the old outdated dysfunctional patterns… and that’s how the healing takes place. 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing enables you to create healing on all levels: the spiritual body, mental body, emotional body and physical body.


5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness Training Program

5D Quantum Healing & Awareness enables you to create healing on all levels:
  1. Spiritual Body
  2. Mental Body
  3. Emotional Body
  4. Physical Body

Level 1 Description:


You will learn how to work with the auric field in the following ways:
  • Read the auric field
  • Feel and touch the auric field
  • Cleanse and restore the auric field


Learn how to work with the physical body in the following ways:
  • How to read information from the body through touch
  • How to sweep and cleanse the body from old cellular memories


Introduction to Shamanic Healing. You will learn:
  • How to pull out old information (bad energy)
  • How to send brand new information into the body in the form of energetic light waves (some call this hands-on healing)
  • How to replace old stagnant energy with new information from the energetic blueprint of the healed reality.


You will learn the following:
  • Introduction to the pineal gland
  • The importance of 3rd eye activation in enhancing your healing abilities
  • Strengthening your psychic powers and intuition
  • Receive a 3rd eye activation from Zarathustra

Level 2 Description:

You will learn the principles of:


You will learn how to tune into a person’s etheric body and remove energetic blockages that create disorders in the mental, physical or emotional bodies. You will practice asking what is or intuitively “see” the problem inside your client’s body – if you cannot see, ask the client to describe the problem with questions such as: Where is it? What shape is it? What color? etc… until you have a perfect view of what the problem is. You will learn how to “operate” using your extended fingers: visualize these extensions going inside the client’s body and removing blockages. You will learn how to talk to your client throughout the surgery. Keep asking them what they feel and tell them what you feel yourself. Keep the operation going until you feel you have completely removed, cleared or unblocked the problem.


You will learn advanced shamanic healing techniques in the following areas:

  • How to pull out old information (bad energy)
  • How to send brand new information into the body in the form of energetic light waves (some call this hands-on healing)
  • How to replace old stagnant energy with new information from the energetic blueprint of the healed reality.


You will learn how to activate your own 3rd eye as well as how to activate other people’s 3rd eyes.


You will learn how to do 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing across the globe with distance as no barrier.


You will learn the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind and spirit with the intention of aligning all three into a state of harmony and health. Sound healing also helps by raising vibrations and changing things in the cellular memory.

Level 3 Description:

  • DIET


  • What is cleansing?
  • Why is cleansing so important
  • Benefits of cleanses & miracle results


  • What is healthy eating?
  • What is an alkaline vs. acidic body?
  • Food combining
  • Reducing inflammation in the body through diet Keeping the body hydrated


  • How to boost our immune system effectively with simple methods
  • Importance of Autohemotherapy


  • Learn about the current epidemic health issues across the planet
  • Leaky gut syndrome and gluten intolerance
  • Major diseases, health issues and mental disorders

Level 4 Description:


You will learn and receive: 


All of our intensive healing training levels up until now have been building up to this point. After learning to become proficient in maintaining a quiet mind and becoming a clear conduit for Spirit, students are now ready to explore this exclusive method of healing which in the past has been reserved for only high level initiates passed down through indigenous tribes.

Participants are initiated by Zarathustra into the extraction method of healing (also known as sucking shamans), including how to see, sense, and remove localized illness and pain connected to spiritual factors.

A Shamanic Healer is a healer who has access to a subatomic field of energy. In this training the participants will learn how to access this invisible realm by using various tools such as rattles and drums to create a trance state both for themselves and their clients.

An important part of shamanic healing training includes learning how to call upon one’s spiritual allies and guides from the four directions in the Spirit world to assist each person in the healing process.

Level 5 Description:

Here are 5 steps to this level:


This is the very foundation of self-mastery. One who has developed a quiet mind is bound to become free. Through specific meditations, we will learn how to be quiet and go beyond our chaotic mind into a silent and a still place within where we are free from all thoughts and emotions.


An open heart enables us to love and accept ourselves fully and drop our self-judgments. As our hearts open the Divine love begins to flow and a steady sense of bliss takes over. It is the Divine love that heals ourselves and others.


Observation & witnessing enables us to become aware of our thoughts and feelings. In this practice Zarathustra very skillfully teaches us how to free ourselves from all fears and anxieties, unwanted thoughts and overwhelming emotions that keeps us in bondage and create suffering.  


It’s important in our spiritual practice to implement some sort of discipline.  Discipline helps us to establish a rhythm of a healthy routine. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual discipline is vital in Self-Mastery. One needs to learn how to control oneself in adversities and undesirable circumstances as well how to break away from self-destructive behaviors and create healthy supportive practices.


All successful people have developed a balanced life. Mastery without balance is impossible. All Masters have developed inner and outer balance in their lives. Without balance, life will be an ongoing roller coaster. Being excessive and swinging from one end to the other only brings suffering. In this level, we learn how to live a balanced life and stay centered at all times.

Upon completion of all 5 levels, graduates will receive the official; “5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness  Practitioner”  Certification