About Zarathustra
Internationally known founder of 5D Quantum Healing & Awareness, Zarathustra is a spiritual teacher and master healer & shaman, who has dedicated his life to elevating human consciousness.
After decades of studying with Eastern and Western masters and shamans from across the globe, Zarathustra started receiving a series of downloads from beings identifying themselves as his “5th Dimensional Guides” giving him innate abilities to perform psychic surgery, “x-ray vision”, and turned his right hand into a high-frequency transmitter.
Zarathustra now travels the world offering workshops with transformative spiritual understandings, 3rd eye activations, and shamanic healing to deeply alchemize your consciousness, heal your mental, emotional and physical body… and ultimately bring you back to that place of silence and stillness within your being where the “real you” exists. By divine guidance, Zarathustra emerges to lead our consciousness to the 5th Dimension.

What is Shamanism?
Shamanism is a practice seeing a larger universe, that is more than only the physical world. A shamanic perspective encourages us to be aware of the spirit around us which connects everything.
Shamanism is an ancient universal spiritual practice that dates back over a hundred thousand years…As shamanism has been practiced all over the world, you most likely have personal ancestors who at one time practiced shamanism.
Shamanism is a global spiritual system, encompassing cross-cultural spiritual practices and addressing the spiritual needs of people everywhere.
Shamanism is not a religion and doesn’t conflict with any religious traditions. People of all faiths can and do practice shamanism. There are no rules or beliefs in Shamanism. Shamanic practice is based on the principle of direct revelation. This means that you have a direct experience with the helping spirits and spirit worlds.
Who is a Shaman?
The name Shaman is a Siberian word with multiple meanings. One meaning is “to be consumed with fire” (of inspiration). The term Shaman refers to a person who can be a bridge between the physical and spirit worlds.
A shaman can have many skills such as spiritual and physical healing, performing soul retrievals, helping spirits of the deceased, and access divine information. A shaman often plays multiple roles such as medicine woman, herbalist, gardener, therapist, and diviner.

Practicing Shamanism
Everyone can learn Shamanism, integrate shamanic principles into their everyday life, and journey into the spirit world for guidance, inspiration, and healing.
If you feel your heart being pulled in the direction of spirit and you would like some guidance, then this workshop is for you.
These teachings are about learning how to connect with the spiritual world. If it’s your destiny to become a Shaman, you will be guided by your helping spirits. Zarathustra & Bahram Ji will help you to connect with your helping spirits and the spirit realms. You will also be taught how to live a spiritual way of life and gain ancient practices to help you live with integrity as a spiritual being.