A Shamanic Voyage, Pathways to Healing

In this very special shamanic event, Zarathustra creates a safe and secure environment for physical and emotional healing as well as a spiritual awakening. The evening begins with a number of active meditations and Zarathustra’s powerful shaktipat.

All participants will receive hands-on shamanic healing and perhaps psychic surgery for those who may need it.
The evening will also feature sound healing.

* Shamanic Healing:
– A shamanic healer moves into an altered state of consciousness to access a hidden reality in the spirit world for purposes of bringing back healing, light, and information.

* Sound Healing:
– The therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind and spirit with the intention of aligning all three into a state of harmony and health.

* Psychic Surgery:
– Tuning into a person’s etheric body and removing energetic blockages that create disorders in the mental, physical or emotional bodies.

Sign up Today



700 NOK


900 NOK

special offer

Sign up for all three Zarathustra's events in Hamar for a big discount

A Shamanic Voyage, Pathways to Healing

Psychic Vision &Shamanic 3rd Eye Activation Workshop

Circle of Life, Love and Death Workshop

(For The First 15 Participants)

4,300 NOK + 900 NOK + 1,000 nok = 6,200 NOK

Discount 1,700 NOK

4,500 NOK

Reserve your seat now

Book a Private Session with Zarathustra

For a private session with Zarathustra please contact 

Hilde Evenstad Tel: +47 95725028 Email: hildeeve@online.no

Event Information

Dates: Mar 19 – 18:00 to 20:30

For more information please contact the event organizer 

Hilde Evenstad Tel: +47 95725028 Email: hildeeve@online.no

Location: Bryggeriet Arena

PLEASE NOTE:  5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness has a NO REFUND policy.

All sales are final, however, we can issue you credit for future coming workshops.

All Events in Norway

march 2025

wed19mar6:00 PM8:30 PMA Shamanic Voyage, Pathways to healingHamar, Norway6:00 PM - 8:30 PM CET Event Type :Norway

thu20mar6:00 PM9:00 PMPsychic Vision & Shamanic 3rd Eye ActivationHamar, Norway6:00 PM - 9:00 PM CET Event Type :Norway

fri21mar6:00 PM9:00 PMCircle of Life, Love and DeathDAY 1 - Hamar, Norway6:00 PM - 9:00 PM CET Event Type :Norway

sat22mar10:00 AM6:00 PMCircle of Life, Love and DeathDAY 2 - Hamar, Norway10:00 AM - 6:00 PM CET Event Type :Norway

sun23mar10:00 AM5:00 PMCircle of Life, Love and DeathDAY 3 - Hamar, Norway10:00 AM - 5:00 PM CET Event Type :Norway

wed26marAll DayPrivate Sessionswith Zarathustra - Oslo, Norway(All Day: wednesday) Event Type :Norway

thu27marAll DayPrivate Sessionswith Zarathustra - Oslo, Norway(All Day: thursday) Event Type :Norway

fri28marAll DayPrivate Sessionswith Zarathustra - Oslo, Norway(All Day: friday) Event Type :Norway

sat29marAll DayPrivate Sessionswith Zarathustra - Oslo, Norway(All Day: saturday) Event Type :Norway