Shamanic Healing Circle by Zarathustra
Sound Healing by Shantonu
In this very special shamanic healing event, Zarathustra creates a safe and secure environment for physical and emotional healing as well as a spiritual awakening. The evening begins with a number of active meditations and Zarathustra’s powerful shaktipat to the Third Eye.
All participants will receive hands-on shamanic healing and perhaps psychic surgery for those who may need it.
The evening will also feature sound healing by Shantonu a pioneer in sound healing therapy.
* Shamanic Healing:
– A shamanic healer moves into an altered state of consciousness to access a hidden reality in the spirit world for the purposes of bringing back healing, light, and information.
* Sound Healing:
– The therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind and spirit with the intention of aligning all three into a state of harmony and health.
* Psychic Surgery:
– Tuning into a person’s etheric body and removing energetic blockages that create disorders in the mental, physical or emotional bodies.

Shantonu Deva from Bengal (India) is known for his folk songs, mantra and kirtan music. He assists the participants to transcends the mundane sphere and dive deeper into the devotional realm.
Shantonu has dedicated his life to elevating human consciousness through his singing emanates , peaceful emotional vibrational frequencies of the heart aligning the acoustic roots and primordial sounds.
He brings the element of baul, mantra and kirtan music inspired by the ancient vedic Sanskrit and Sufi traditions embracing the participants to sing dance in oneness .
His music kindles the spark for introspection and solitude allowing the heart to dissolve in pure organic devotion . Bhakti.
Who is Zarathustra?
Internationally known founder of 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness, Zarathustra is a spiritual teacher and master healer who lives his life in the truth of NOW and has dedicated his life to elevating human consciousness.
As a clear conduit, he is a very powerful vessel and transmission of the Truth. After 30 years of studying with Eastern and Western masters from across the globe, Zarathustra came to the realization of “that which we seek resides in our own hearts”. He quite often says, “You are who you’re looking for.”
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400 SEK
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3,500 SEK
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For a private session contact Zarathustra directly
Tel: +1 310 994 5950 Email:
Event Information
Date: Oct 20 – 18:30 to 21:00
For more information please contact the event organizer
Marie Angelteg Tel: +46 73 789 37 55 Email:
Location: Hälsans Hus,Fjällgatan 23 B, Stockholm
PLEASE NOTE: 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness has a NO REFUND policy.
All sales are final, however, we can issue you credit for future coming workshops.
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