Vibrational Energy Healing
Vibrational healing refers to a type of therapy in which practitioners apply techniques which balance, remove, or add certain energies into the patient in order to bring them into a state of equilibrium. Tapping into the vibrational frequency of the patient, and determining whether or not the frequency is at a harmonious level, the vibrational healer can change those frequencies and restore a state of health to the patient. Vibrational healer Linda Penny describes what she does during a healing using vibrations, frequency, and energy to heal her patients and bring them “back into balance”:
What is Vibrational Frequency?
Vibrational frequency refers to the levels of energy present within every molecule of our bodies. They are constantly in a state of flux. We all have days when it feels like we can’t do anything right—you trip over your own feet, you burn your dinner, and you just can’t seem to put two and two together. When this happens, we are operating at a low vibrational frequency. When we are operating at a higher vibrational frequency, we are able to access higher levels of consciousness, and even reach a state of enlightenment. The theory “like attracts like” can help us understand why “When it rains, it pours.”, i.e. when one thing in your life isn’t going your way, everything seems to become progressively worse. Negative energy attracts negative energy. Conversely, when your body is operating at a higher level of vibrational frequency, suddenly, “Everything’s going your way!”. Positive energy attracts positive energy. Because energy is at the root of every physical thing, it is also what makes up our physical bodies. It stands to reason, then, that by increasing the frequency of our vibrations, we can maximize our energy and, in turn, live our lives in the most fulfilled manner possible.

Who Can Benefit from Vibrational Energy Healing?
While vibrational energy healing can be beneficial to anyone who takes advantage of it, it can be particularly helpful to those who are experiencing some type of physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual affliction. While for some of us, achieving a state of higher vibrational energy can help us lead the lives we want, for others it may be vital to their most basic sense of health, and many practitioners of traditional Western medicine are now including certain vibrational healing methodologies into their practices, such as acupuncture, kinesiology, and phototherapy (light therapy), among others. As more and more of us prefer not to expose our bodies to the chemicals in pills prescribed for us by our Western medical doctors, the acceptance of alternative medicine grows exponentially, becoming less “alternative” and more universally accepted as not only a legitimate option but a preferable one.
Types of Vibrational Energy Healing
There are many types of vibrational energy healing that are now available worldwide, and you may find one more valuable to your specific needs. Trying a manifold-based approach will give the best chance of yielding the results you are after. Here are a few vibrational energy healing techniques followed by a brief explanation of each. While these are popular energy healing methodologies, there are many other options out there which you may find beneficial.
Reiki refers to the practice of using physical touch to ascertain whether there is an imbalance of energies present and if so, determining a course of action to return the patient to a state of energetic equilibrium. This process is called “attunement”. From a combination of two Japanese words: “rei” which means “universal” and “ki” meaning “life energy force”, Reiki means “spiritually guided life force energy”. Performed by a Reiki Master, one who is specially trained in the practice, Reiki consists of the channeling of good energy into a patient and removing any bad energies which may be present. Once the patient has been brought into a state of balanced energy, he will experience a return to a state of health and harmony.
Practiced in Chinese Holistic Medicine for centuries, acupuncture refers to the placement of tiny needles at specific points on the skin in order to increase the flow of energy to those areas. The acupuncturist will tap the needles gently into the skin at some of more than 400 points which are located along meridians (or channels) in the body. The placement of the needles is specific to the condition(s) for which the patient is being treated. For some sessions, and depending on the diagnosis and needs of the patient, the acupuncturist may also apply a mild heat or electric current to the needles as well. A 2012 study, which can be found in the Archives of Internal Medicine, and which included almost 18,000 patients, concluded that acupuncture is an effective and viable treatment for chronic pain. More studies currently underway are helping to determine conclusively whether acupuncture is an effective treatment for all manner of infirmity, including depression and anxiety, PTSD, asthma, and cancer-treatment-related disorders, although much anecdotal evidence already exists that it does.
Although some of us may look at crystals as simply sparkly rocks, they are actually living things! According to Inventor, Engineer, Physicist, and Futurist, Nikola Tesla, “In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being”. In this 1964 video produced by the United States Air Force, the power of crystals and their varying frequencies is explained: Crystal healing is a type of vibrational energy healing wherein, using specific colors and types of crystals, crystal therapy practitioners place the stones on specific locations of the body, generally in relation to the seven chakras—centers in the human body through which energy flows. The vibrational energy present in crystals flows into the chakras on which they are placed, increasing one’s vibrational frequency and re-balancing the energies of the patient. The crystals are chosen to correspond with the needs of the person undergoing the crystal therapy, or may simply be selected for their harmony with a particular chakra. The crystals most frequently used during crystal therapy are rose quartz, clear quartz, aventurine, tourmaline, amethyst, and carnelian, although other crystals may be used alongside them during a crystal therapy session.
Described by some as “vibrational tuning forks”, flower essences are the “imprints” or “signatures” of flowers which have been selected for their high vibrational frequencies and preserved in a liquid, usually an organic alcohol such as brandy or vodka. The flower essence may be taken sublingually, usually one-to-three drops a few times daily (or as needed), applied to the skin on the soles of the feet or at the wrists, added to a bath, or diluted with purified water and spritzed around a room or over the body. Once taken or applied, the “essence” of the flower and all its healing energy fuses with the essence of the spirit, and attunes your vibrations with those of the flower, raising your vibrational frequencies to a level which aligns with the vibrational frequencies of the flower essence. Different blends of flowers may be used depending on the specific needs of the patient.
The principles of phototherapy (also called “light therapy”), unlike flower essence therapy or crystal therapy, is widely practiced in hospitals and throughout Western medicine. Infants born with the condition of jaundice are frequently placed under UVB (Ultraviolet B) lights to reduce high levels of bilirubin. The same type of light is used to treat patients with eczema, and the National Eczema Association reports a 70% success rate for patients who have undergone phototherapy to treat eczema. A relatively new diagnosis, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is also often treated with phototherapy, with patients prescribed time spent in natural sunlight or, if that is unavailable, under a fluorescent blue lamp in order to combat the depression, excessive sleep, and irritability that are associated with the condition. Once called heliotherapy (sun therapy), phototherapy has been used to treat human ailments in very early Greek, Roman, and Egyptian cultures, and there is literature in ancient Indian medical writings dating as early as 1500 BCE that recommend heliotherapy as a treatment.
Using resonating instruments to create high vibrational frequencies, sound therapists allow the healing power of sound to help their patients re-balance their off-kilter energies. Check out this video using different instruments during a sound therapy session, including Tibetan singing bowls: Another oft-used instrument in sound therapy is a gong, which Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga has described thusly, “The Gong is the first and last instrument for the human mind, there is only one thing that can supersede and command the human mind, the sound of the Gong.” Another instrument with powerfully resonating vibrations is the drum, often used in sound therapy sessions as well as in group sessions called “drumming circles”, which create intense vibrational frequencies and increase those of the participants. When sounded, tuning forks are used by piano tuners to raise the vibration of the string related to the key they are tuning to the correct level. Similarly, tuning forks are used by sound healers to raise our individual vibrational frequencies up to the correct levels, raising our energy, health, and spiritual levels as well. This video demonstrates how a tuning fork vibrational healing works:
While all of us can probably benefit from a vibrational tune-up at one time or another, give a few of these vibrational energy therapy techniques a try to see what works best for you.
© 2017 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness by Author: Roisin Herrera