Imagine embarking on a journey unlike any other—a voyage deep into the heart of your being, where every step forward is a step closer to your true self. This is not just an event; it’s a calling for those ready to explore the profound realms of Healing and Spiritual Enlightenment.

A profound blend of shamanic and spiritual practices aimed at holistic healing and spiritual enlightenment. This event is designed to facilitate a deep transformative experience for the participants. Here’s a breakdown of the main elements involved in the event:

Active Meditations

Active meditations, often involving movement, breath, and expressive techniques, are designed to awaken and circulate life energy (prana, chi) throughout the body. This can help in releasing pent-up emotions and blockages, setting a foundation for deeper healing work.


Shaktipat powerful spiritual energy transfer from Zarathustra to his participants, often resulting in the awakening of spiritual energy, known as Kundalini. This can lead to profound shifts in consciousness and an acceleration of spiritual development.

Shamanic Healing

In shamanic healing, the practitioner enters an altered state of consciousness to journey into non-ordinary reality. The purpose of this journey can be to retrieve lost parts of the soul, remove spiritual intrusions, or communicate with spirit guides and helpers to bring back wisdom and healing energies.

Sound Healing

Sound healing uses instruments or the human voice to produce vibrations that interact with the body’s energy field. Different sounds resonate with different parts of the body and energy centers (chakras), promoting healing, balance, and relaxation.

Psychic Surgery

Psychic surgery is a more esoteric practice, where the healer purportedly accesses the individual’s etheric or subtle body to remove energetic blockages. This is believed to address the root causes of physical, emotional, or mental ailments by restoring the flow of energy in the body.

The Healing Environment

The safe and secure environment mentioned is crucial for such deep work. It allows participants to let go, trust the process, and open up to profound healing and transformative experiences. The collective energy of a group setting can also amplify the healing potential.

This event represents a holistic approach to healing, recognizing the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit. By addressing imbalances on multiple levels, it aims to facilitate a comprehensive healing process that can lead to lasting change and spiritual awakening.

Sign up Today


(For the first 20 participants)

65 EUR


75 EUR

Event Registration & Information

Date: NOV 14 – 18:30 to 21:00

For registration click here or please contact the event organizer

Frankfurter Ring Website: frankfurter-ring.de Tel: +49 (0)69 – 51 15 55

Email: kontakt@frankfurter-ring.de

Book a Private Session with Zarathustra

For a private session with Zarathustra please contact 

Frankfurter Ring Website: frankfurter-ring.de Tel: +49 (0)69 – 51 15 55 Email: kontakt@frankfurter-ring.de

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